

Trusts – Weapons of Mass Injustice
February 13th, 2017
It is a fact that the trust laws of some tax havens openly promote illegality. The reality that some tax havens will not enforce foreign laws (e.g. ensuring non-recognition of foreign laws and judgements that favoured legitimate heirs and former spouses) is even publicly advertised by some offshore service providers, not on the deep web
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Une Tache Difficile : Quantifier les flux financiers illicites
February 7th, 2017
La Financial Transparency Coalition travaille à endiguer l’ensemble des flux financiers illicites. Certains membres de la FTC se concentrent sur les mouvements transfrontaliers de fonds qui ont été gagnés, transférés ou utilisés illégalement. Ces flux financiers illicites proviennent de l’évasion fiscale, de la manipulation des échanges, de la criminalité organisée, et de la corruption des
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No es Tarea Fácil: La cuantificación de los flujos financieros ilícitos
February 7th, 2017
La Financial Transparency Coalition trabaja para reducir la amplia gama de flujos financieros ilícitos. Algunos miembros de la FTC se enfocan en los movimientos de dinero transfronterizo que se obtenga, transfiera o utilice, de forma ilegal. Estos flujos financieros ilícitos provienen de la evasión fiscal, la manipulación comercial, el crimen organizado y los pagos a funcionarios
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No Easy Task: Quantifying Illicit Financial Flows
December 14th, 2016
Illicit financial flows are constantly in flux, and our understanding of them keeps evolving. Estimating just how much money is lost through corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, and tax avoidance can be a difficult task. But understanding what estimates are out there, and what they mean, shouldn’t be.
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