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CMI: Extractive sectors and illicit financial flows: What role for revenue governance initiatives?
November 21st, 2011
his U4 Issue Paper looks at the potential of these initiatives to reduce illicit financial flows from extractive sectors, particularly those initiatives that target resource revenue governance. Section 2 provides a brief overview of resource governance challenges and the nature of illicit financial flows in extractive sectors, highlighting consequences for development in poor countries. Section 3 summarises international initiatives to improve resource revenue governance, focusing on information disclosure and certification. It also discusses their comparative achievements and factors for success. Section 4 sums up the potential for these initiatives and suggests priorities within them as well as the possible...
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Tax Justice Network: Building a Fair, Transparent and Inclusive Tax System in Sierra Leone
November 17th, 2011
This report is part of an initiative to create a comprehensive, and globally representative series of country reports that touch on diverse tax justice issues. The production of this report is the collective effort of all of the organisations involved. The Tax Justice Network promotes transparency in international finance and opposes secrecy. TJN was initiated at in 2002, and is dedicated to high-level research, analysis and advocacy in the field of tax and regulation. Tax Justice Network Africa was launched in 2007 with the aim of bringing tax issues to the foreground of the broader development agenda. We work to...
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G20 action on tax and development: A progress report card
November 14th, 2011
Last week Christian Aid welcomed the G20′s bold pronouncements on tax havens, financial transparency and development. President Sarkozy went as far as to say that havens that didn’t comply would be excluded from the international community. A whole programme of work on tax and development was agreed. Our scorecard compares the recommendations made, with what the G20 actually delivered. The scores that we attribute to the G20 simply evaluate their response to that expert opinion.
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