UK Embraces Country-by-Country Reporting
June 15th, 2009
June 15th, 2009
Some huge news out of the UK today as the UK Treasury has announced that it will push for the adoption of country-by-country reporting at the upcoming meeting of Finance Ministers in Berlin. From the Guardian:
The UK is backing calls to force multinational companies to reveal precisely how much tax they pay in each jurisdiction they operate in. The move is being hailed as a significant breakthrough towards ending tax secrecy.
Stephen Timms, the financial secretary to the Treasury, will tell G20 ministers gathering for a meeting in Berlin next week that country-by-country reporting should be introduced. At present, companies do not need to reveal what tax or profits they make in many countries.
This is a huge step forward, and a major victory for groups like Christian aid and the Tax Justice Network (both Task Force members) who have beeen waging a serious campaign for country-by-country reporting – a campaign that has really heated up over the past couple of months.
Congrats to everyone at Christian Aid and TJN!