
TJN's John Christensen Featured in the Guardian

July 8th, 2011

Ryan Morrison/Flickr

John Christensen, founder of the Tax Justice Network, a Task Force member, was profiled by the Guardian on Thursday.  Bibi van der Zee writes about Christensen’s decades-long experience fighting tax evasion, talking about the impacts these illicit flows have not only on the United Kingdom, but on the developing  world as well:

“[T]ax avoidance is a problem that is not only taking money out of the pockets of UK taxpayers but directly impacting the economies of developing countries.

‘Western leaders look at Africa and blame their leaders for corruption but they don’t recognise that the systems we’ve put in place – above all the tax havens jurisdiction economy – are an open invitation to criminal behaviour, fraud, tax evasion, embezzlement, and non-disclosure.'”

Read the full piece here, and read more about Christensen and the Tax Justice Network at their blog.


Written by Dan Hennessey

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