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UK Embraces Country-by-Country Reporting
June 15th, 2009
Some huge news out of the UK today as the UK Treasury has announced that it will push for the adoption of country-by-country reporting at the upcoming meeting of Finance Ministers in Berlin. From the Guardian:

The UK is backing calls to force multi­national companies to reveal precisely how much tax they pay in each jurisdiction they operate in. The move is being hailed as a significant breakthrough towards ending tax secrecy.

Stephen Timms, the financial secretary to the Treasury, will tell G20 ministers gathering for a meeting in Berlin next...

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Cayman has signed a double tax treaty with the UK
June 15th, 2009
Signed today – and slipped out on HMRC’s web site without a press release (I wonder why?) is a double tax agreement (yes, I mean that – a DTA, not a Tax Information Exchange Agreement) with the Cayman islands. It’s available here. It’s not, I hasten to add a full blown DTA. But then, it’s not a full blown TIEA either. In fact the extraordinary thing is that the information exchange clause is far less onerous than a TIEA. So, for example, there is no reference to the need for the parties to be able to prove beneficial ownership of trusts,...
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