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Friends Provident Insists on Paying UK Taxes; Rejects Tax Evasion
July 17th, 2009
British life insurance company Friends Provident is doing something unusual in today's business environment - not only has it shunned moving offshore to a low tax jurisdiction, it's insisting that another company move onshore too before it'll consider a merger. From the Guardian:

Insurer Friends Provident today set out terms for a merger with Clive Cowdery's buyout vehicle Resolution. The deal would scupper Resolution's plans to pay a select band of executives 10% of annual profits and base the new company in a tax haven.

Friends Provident said it was...

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DFID Releases Its Annual Report
July 16th, 2009
Today, the UK Department for International Development released its annual report, which sums up the work that DFID has done over the past year. Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development, said in a statement:

"The achievements highlighted here have helped to transform lives for the better. Thanks to DFID's work in 2008, more than three million children have been vaccinated against measles - a disease which continues to claim lives across the developing world. We have helped train over 100,000 teachers, provided clean water to almost a million people, and given more...

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