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New Report – ‘Investments for Development: Derailed to Tax Havens’
September 17th, 2010
The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development conference in Bergen starting on 28 September also sees a side event on that day when Danish NGO IBIS and a range of its partner launch a new report. That report – entitled ‘Investments for Development: Derailed to Tax Havens: A report on the use of tax havens by Development Finance Institutions’ – has been written by UK based chartered accountant Richard Murphy (me), the director of Tax Research UK, a member organisation of the Co-ordinating Committee. The report, which is sponsored by IBIS, NCA, CRBM, Eurodad, Forum Syd...
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Guatemala must change its tax regime to stop children dying
September 8th, 2010
The Latin American country is wealthy, but the extreme gap between rich and poor causes a multitude of problems Isabel is four years old. Her belly and ankles are swollen and she walks as if it hurts a little bit. Her family, who live in eastern Guatemala, have not had the means to feed her properly, so she is being treated for kwashiorkor – acute malnutrition. Even though it is classified by the World Bank as a middle income country, the level of inequality in Guatemala is such that almost half its children under five ...
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Tax Justice Network USA Seeking Executive Director
August 25th, 2010
Task Force member Tax Justice Network is looking to hire an executive director to head their national chapter in the United States. Here is the full job announcement:

Job Announcement: Executive Director, Tax Justice Network USA

Location: Washington, D.C.

Summary of Role:

This is a leadership position, with the responsibility of building the momentum of the organization. Currently, the Executive Director will be the sole staff member.

Tax Justice Network USA is the national chapter of Tax Justice Network International, presenting solutions for tax...

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Reforming the EU Transparency Directive using country-by-country reporting
August 23rd, 2010
Tax Research LLP and the Tax Justice Network have made a joint submission to the European Commission this morning on their consultation on the future of the Transparency Directive. The full submission is here. The summary says:
This submission addresses issues of opacity within the financial reporting of multinational corporations quoted on stock exchanges which we believe should be addressed by revision to the European Union’s Transparency Directive. We focus in particular on these issues: 1. The current opacity regarding ownership of such multinational corporations; 2. The opacity regarding the structure of such multinational corporations; 3. The...
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