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Tax Justice is the best friend free markets have
October 27th, 2010
I am fascinated by the recent attack on my work and that of John Christensen and the Tax Justice Network by Cayman Finance. It is not new of course, many tax havens / secrecy jurisdictions have made such attacks before. And no doubt they will do is again. But in making such a tax they show their real colours: they show that they are the real enemies of free and fair markets, and we are their strongest supporters. Why else would they be so annoyed? If you believe in free markets you believe in tax...
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Tax Justice Focus – the Switzerland edition
October 5th, 2010
From Bruno Gurtner, guest editor. Tax Justice Focus, Volume 6, Number 2 – The SWITZERLAND edition. October 5th, 2010 The Switzerland edition - click here The latest edition of Tax Justice Focus explores the changing face of tax haven Switzerland. Historically one of the world’s most important secrecy jurisdictions, Switzerland – along with its financial services sector – has recently been buffetted by a series of scandals and pressures. These range from a giant tax evasion probe in the United States targetting the Swiss bank UBS, to massive damage to the banks from the ...
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Report: Investments for Development: Derailed to Tax Havens
September 28th, 2010
The report, entitled ‘Investments for Development: Derailed to Tax Havens: A report on the use of tax havens by Development Finance Institutions,’ looks at a critical area in the development activities of many European countries – the role of the Development Finance Institutions that they own in funding private sector investment in developing countries.
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The Yaoundé Declaration on Tax and Development
September 21st, 2010
Yaoundé, Cameroon, sits at the heart of Central Africa. The region is rich with mineral and forestry wealth which has been exploited ruthlessly by colonial powers and powerful corporations for centuries. You need only read the short historical paragraph on Yaoundé's Wikipedia entry to get a sense of this past and present intrusion by external powers. Much of Central Africa's wealth disappears offshore, and constant exploitation has exposed the region to deep rooted political and commercial corruption. This is the context in which tax justice researchers and campaigners...
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