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Despite setback, civil society more motivated than ever
July 16th, 2015
PRESS RELEASE CSOs stand with developing countries that fought hard to deliver an intergovernmental body that could help create equitable tax rules  Although a small group of rich countries blocked a plan toward inclusiveness, the amount of pressure developing countries and civil society placed on the Financing for Development negotiations ensures that the spotlight will
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Failure in Addis Ababa: trouble ahead for development
July 15th, 2015
PRESS RELEASE Tonight, the Addis Ababa outcome was closed. The final outcome rejects the proposal of establishing an intergovernmental UN body on tax matters, and instead introduces some minor changes to the existing UN expert committee. This means that the OECD will remain the only intergovernmental body that adopts global standards on tax matters.
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European Parliament sets the stage for Europe to embrace more corporate fiscal transparency
July 8th, 2015
PRESS RELEASE Amid public outcry on tax dodging, European Parliament responds with measured proposal to level the playing field BRUSSELS — Today, the European Parliament voted in favour of a measure to increase shareholders’ rights that includes a requirement for multinational corporations (MNCs) to publicly report financial information on a country-by-country basis. “Today’s vote in
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