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How Tax Repatriation Helped Cause the Fall of the Roman Empire
June 11th, 2012
Corporate America, in part through the now-dissolved WIN America Campaign, has spent a good portion of the last few years lobbying for a tax holiday. They would like Congress to allow them to repatriate deferred tax dollars that are sitting offshore and pay a very low tax rate, instead of the 35% that they owe. U.S. companies are allowed to wait to pay taxes on "foreign" income until they bring the money back into the United States. I put the word foreign in quotes because we know that "foreign" income is often just the result of abusive transfer pricing,...
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Al Jazeera English Reports On Devastating Capital Flight From Africa Via Corporate Tax Evasion Strategies
May 29th, 2012
  Attiyah Waris, Tax Law Professor at Nairobi University, argues that tax evasion strategies used by African multinational corporations drain the continent of revenues that would more than sufficiently finance the African continent.   Foreign Aid would be rendered unnecessary if Africa were to receive tax revenues that are rightfully theirs. The video demonstrates a good
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Presidential Hopeful Mitt Romney Linked To Offshore Tax Havens
May 29th, 2012
  Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, is unwilling to disclose his tax returns to the public but maintains that he has paid taxes on all incomes.  His company, Bain Capital, established off-shore accounts which attract more business from those attempting to avoid U.S. taxes.  The Romney campaign maintains that they may someday release his tax
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Of Lions and Taxes: Why Brazil Needs More Trust, Not More Agents
May 23rd, 2012
In Brazil, there is an agency known as “the Lion,” whose agents fly around the country in black helicopters, conducting operations such as the “Black Panther” and “Delta.” They aren’t looking for drugs. Or gangs. They’re tax agents. The Lion, dubbed for its official emblem and its ferocious hunt of tax dodgers, uses nearly any tactic conceivable in its pursuit. With a force of about 12,000 agents, the agency monitors tax receipts of millionaires, hunts for smugglers, sizes up mansions from the air, and scrutinizes tax returns. Gary Becker would be proud. Brazil’s approach follows from the classic “economics of crime”...
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