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Son of Equatorial Guinea’s Dictator Plans One of World’s Most Expensive Yachts
February 28th, 2011
LONDON – Global Witness has learned that Teodorin Obiang, the notorious son of Equatorial Guinea’s long-ruling dictator, commissioned plans to build a superyacht worth $380 million – almost three times more than his energy-rich country spends annually on health and education programs combined. This news comes amid an increasingly heated debate about how Middle Eastern dictators and their family members have enjoyed luxury lifestyles, as well as stashing their assets in foreign countries.
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Global Witness Releases New Report on Obiang, Stalled U.S. Investigation
November 18th, 2009
Task Force Member Global Witness released a new report yesterday detailing the corrupt lifestyle of Equatorial Guinea's Teodorin Obiang, while also detailing the conspicuous inaction on the part of the U.S. government. Global Witness issued the following statement in releasing the report:

Confidential U.S. government documents uncovered by campaign group Global Witness and reported on in today's New York Times, strongly suggest that Teodorin Obiang, son of the dictator of oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, purchased a $33 million private jet, a $35 million Malibu mansion, speedboats and a fleet of fast cars using corruptly...

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The Secret Life of a Shopaholic: How an African dictator’s playboy son went on a multi-million dollar shopping spree in the US
November 18th, 2009
A new Global Witness report, ‘The Secret Life of a Shopaholic: How an African dictator's playboy son went on a multi-million dollar shopping spree in the US', strongly suggests that Teodorin Obiang, son of the dictator of oil-rich Equatorial Guinea, purchased a $33 million private jet, a $35 million Malibu mansion, speedboats and a fleet of fast cars using corruptly acquired funds. The report goes on to explain how, despite the ample evidence against him, the investigation is going nowhere and Teodorin continues to be allowed into the U.S.
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