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Global Witness Encourages Clinton to Address Conflict, Corruption in Africa
August 6th, 2009
Task Force member Global Witness has released a statement urging US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to address the issues of conflict and corruption - particularly in regard to natural resources - on her current trip to Africa. From Global Witness:

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should put a strong emphasis on how best to manage natural resource wealth and avoid conflict and corruption on her official tour of Africa this week, said campaign group Global Witness today.

Among the seven countries she will visit, Angola, Liberia, the Democratic...

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Halliburton Corruption: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
August 5th, 2009
The Ethiopian Review: Earlier this year, Halliburton agreed to pay nearly $560 million in fines to the federal government to end an investigation into its former subsidiary, KBR, and its involvement in bribing Nigerian officials to get construction contracts. It was reportedly the largest fine ever paid by a U.S. company in a foreign bribery investigation.
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