May 24th, 2018
Illicit finance generated through tricky structures and channels harm the development and growth of a country. The problem of illicit financial flows poses as the greatest development challenge in present times. In this policy paper, supported by the Financial Transparency Coalition, FTC member Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability examines the drivers of illicit financial
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October 24th, 2017
Since the 2009 G20 Summit, we’ve seen repeated claims that banking secrecy is over. But viewed alongside the countless tax and corruption scandals that have plagued us since, it would be understandable if you question that sentiment. In our new analysis, Unequal Exchange, we explore just how far one key transparency tool, the automatic exchange of financial information, has come.
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May 9th, 2017
Illicit financial flows are constantly in flux, and our understanding of them keeps evolving. Estimating just how much money is lost through corruption, tax evasion, money laundering, and tax avoidance can be a difficult task. But understanding what estimates are out there, and what they mean, shouldn’t be. No Easy Task: Quantifying Illicit Financial Flows
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April 19th, 2017
Au-delà de quelques noms connus— l’Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE), le Groupe des 20 (G20) et le Fonds monétaire international—il existe un réseau étendu d’organisations qui déterminent le fonctionnement du système financier. La plupart de ces institutions ne sont connues que d’un petit groupe d’experts techniques. Au lieu d’être vraiment mondiale, l’adhésion
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