

Newsletter: January – March 2016
March 22nd, 2016
In the first newsletter of 2016, we cover a range vital financial transparency issues, from the OECD’s invitation to invite developing countries to join its anti-tax avoidance to a host of great new research projects from FTC Allied Organizations in Asia. Have a look inside and catch up on the latest in financial transparency news!
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Why public country by country reporting for large multinationals is a must
February 24th, 2016
In this updated briefing, 14 civil society organizations, including the FTC, provide answers to a number of often-asked questions about public country by country reporting. The briefing aims to address concerns over public country by country reporting for large corporations, and why this type of reporting would be an effective deterrent of aggressive tax avoidance and
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Letter to European Commission President Juncker on Country by Country Reporting
January 7th, 2016
The Financial Transparency Coalition joined more than 30 other civil society organizations from around the world to send a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to highlight the importance of ensuring that public country by country reporting for corporations remains in the Shareholders Rights Directive, currently being negotiated by European lawmakers. 
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