
Exclusive First-look at Financial Secrecy Index: A Ranking of Tax Havens

October 20th, 2009

Contact: Monique Danziger

Media Advisory
Washington, DC


Premiere of Tax Justice Network’s

Financial Secrecy Index

A Ranking of Tax Havens

What: Breakfast Briefing with presentations by:

Jack Blum, Tax Justice Network, USA
Jim Henry, Tax Justice Network, USA
Sarah Lewis, Tax Justice Network, USA
Raymond Baker, Global Financial Integrity

Where: The National Press Club (Winners Room)
When: Monday, November 2, 2009
(Food served at 8:45, Briefing 9:00am-10:00am)

R.S.V.P. to Monique Danziger, 202-293-0740

The Financial Secrecy Index (FSI) is a first-of-its-kind ranking of the most secretive and uncooperative jurisdictions—tax havens– in the world.  Based on intensive research and analysis the index ranks 60 jurisdictions according to their degree of opacity and the scale of their cross-border financial services activity.

Join us for an exclusive first-look at the Financial Secrecy Index and discussion of such topics as:

  • Is the United States a tax haven?
  • What are the next steps for the G20 on tax havens and tax evasion?
  • Legislation pending in Congress on the issues of tax evasion, banking secrecy, money-laundering, and other illicit financial practices.
  • How can the United States be a leader in international efforts to combat tax evasion and banking secrecy?
  • Impact of tax havens on the developing world.

For more information, visit


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