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Court Rules Against Mississippi Businessman’s Tax Shelter Promoted by KPMG
May 4th, 2010
U.S. DOJ--A federal court in Jackson, Miss., has ruled in favor of the United States involving a businessman’s attempt to use a KPMG- marketed tax shelter to avoid paying income tax on approximately $18 million in capital gains. According to the opinion, in 2001, J. Kelley Williams of Jackson became aware that he would have $18 million in capital gains from one of his investments. His KPMG accountant suggested that he use a marketed tax shelter strategy by the name of "Family Office Customized" or "FOCUS" to avoid paying tax on that gain. The tax shelter involved a series...
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OECD crackdown on tax havens seen lacking teeth
April 19th, 2010
(Reuters) - Over the past year, the number of countries on an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development "gray list" of tax havens that have not fully implemented internationally agreed upon tax standards has dropped to 17 from more than 40.
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