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Open Data for Tax Justice: Launch! #OD4TJ
March 2nd, 2016
Every year countries lose billions of dollars to tax avoidance, tax evasion and more generally to illicit financial flows. According to a recent IMF estimate around $700 billion of tax revenues is lost each year due to profit-shifting. In developing countries the loss is estimated to be around $200 billion, which as a share of GDP represents
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Illicit Financial Flows: A Trip Down Asia
February 26th, 2016
The Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA), a member of the FTC’s Coordinating Committee, has just released a great animated video highlighting the problem of illicit financial flows. Along with providing a sound and straightforward overview of the problem, the animation also looks at the problem and how it specifically relates to the regional context
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OECD invites others to join anti-tax avoidance plan, but only after the rules have been written
February 23rd, 2016
PRESS RELEASE The OECD’s plan to open BEPS system to developing countries after it has already been designed highlights the need for a truly universal tax body Ahead of this week’s G20 Finance Ministers meeting, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development announced a proposal to invite non-member countries to join in its anti-tax avoidance system. The
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