January 27th, 2017
In the first TaxCast of 2017, Tax Justice Network looks at tax justice and public procurement – the efforts to hit tax dodging companies where it really hurts on a local level – trying to stop them bidding for public money for public contracts.
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January 23rd, 2017
This blog post is a summary of some of the findings and discussion of a new report from Tax Justice Network, a Coordinating Committee member of the FTC. To read the full report, click here. How to improve the Automatic Exchange of Information Automatic exchange of information (AEOI) is one of the hottest topics in the fight
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January 10th, 2017
In 2016, the movement against illicit financial flows leaped forward. We look back at some of 2016’s most memorable moments:
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January 6th, 2017
A CONVERSATION WITH GUILLAUME LONG MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR Tax Avoidance, Illicit Financial Flows and Global Development: A Call for a United Nations Tax Body 12th of January – 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Public Citizen – 1600 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20009 As Ecuador takes over the presidency of the
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