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December 1st, 2011
WisdomTree Local Debt ETF And Emerging Markets’ Bearish Short-Term Outlook: Part 1 Seeking Alpha, December 1, 2011 Corruption index 2011 from Transparency International: find out how countries compare DataBlog, December 1, 2011 Global corruption index reflects Arab Spring unrest Reuters, November 30, 2011 Norway’s wise ways on aid The Guardian (blog), December 1, 2011 Shadow
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November 28th, 2011
Critics Target Bribery Law The Wall Street Journal, November 28, 2011 France: A vampire and a deposit box for Africa’s looted funds? Modern Ghana, November 23, 2011 ‘Tackle Tax Havens’ campaign launched The Telegraph, November 25, 2011 Counting the cost of tax havens The Sydney Morning Herald, November 26, 2011 Occupy London sets out agenda
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November 28th, 2011
Law enforcement must be able to impose appropriate penalties when companies bribe officials to win contracts or gain undue advantages. But calculating and confiscating the proceeds of this crime is difficult. To help governments meet this challenge, the OECD and the World Bank/UNODC Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR) released today a new study on the Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of Bribery.
“Countries’ ability to seize and confiscate the gains from bribery is integral to the international fight against bribery and corruption, ” said Mark Pieth, Chair of the OECD Working Group on Bribery, made up of representatives from...
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November 21st, 2011
Los días 6 y 7 de octubre de 2011, con motivo de la tercera conferencia anual del Grupo de trabajo sobre integridad financiera y desarrollo económico (en adelante, Grupo de trabajo) se reunieron en parís, Francia, representantes de la sociedad civil, gobiernos, políticos, académicos, periodistas y el sector privado.
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