Tuesday’s Top Stories
March 30th, 2010
March 30th, 2010
IlIicit cash outflows cost Africa $1.8trn in 38 yrs – GFI
The Champion (Lagos), March 30, 2010
Side events to the AUC/ECA Committee of experts meeting focus on illicit financial flows and regulatory models in the knowledge economy
UNECA-AU Joint Press Release, March 29, 2010
Q&A: Exposing the “Clandestine Passengers of Globalisation”
IPS, March 29, 2010
Havens for Stolen Funds Otaviano Canuto ?& Janamitra Devan
The Khaleej Times (Dubai), March 29, 2010
Stricter Rules Eliminating Transfer-Pricing Schemes
Reuters, March 26, 2010
Nato will fail unless you end corruption, US commander tells Karzai
The Times, March 30, 2010
UN report: Afghans plagued by poverty, corruption
The Associated Press, March 30, 2010
Corruption in SA ‘endemic’
ioL (South Africa), March 30, 2010
Pakistani Supreme Court ups pressure on government
The Associated Press, March 30, 2010
Italians express their disgust at corruption by withholding votes
The Sydney Morning Herald, March 31, 2010
Tony Blair under pressure to explain if he is avoiding UK taxes
The Telegraph, March 30, 2010