
Thursday's Top Stories From Global Financial Integrity

May 31st, 2012

World Bank Takes Major Step towards Transparency in Publishing Sanctions Board Decisions
Global Financial Integrity (Press Release), May 30, 2012

World Bank Begins Publishing Debarment Decisions
The Wall Street Journal (Blog), May 30, 2012

Poll: Corruption runs deep in the Middle East
The Jerusalem Post, May 31, 2012

OECD’s double standard in the Global Forum on “Transparency And Exchange of Information”. The rating of the United States.
Eduardo Morgan Jr. (Report), May 15, 2012

Swiss Council Of States Votes Through Tax Deals
Tax News, May 31, 2012

Money Laundering Destabilises Sustainable Economic Development – Minister
Ghana Information Services Department (ISD), May 31, 2012

EU presses Italy to act against tax evasion
AFP, May 30, 2012

Amid bribery investigation, Wal-Mart pushes integrity
Reuters, May 30, 2012

Guilty Plea in FCPA Case a Rare Victory for Government
The National Law Journal, May 31, 2012

ECB sets up anti-corruption team
Reuters, May 31, 2012

Written by Kyle Hunter

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