Thursday’s Daily News Digest
April 14th, 2011
April 14th, 2011
Global network sought to check export bill frauds
Economic Times (India), April 14, 2011
Shareholders Hit IBM, Pepsi for Chamber’s FCPA Lobbying Efforts
Main Justice, April 11, 2011
Factbox: Crime among Israel’s political elite
Reuters, April 13, 2011
Trade-Based Money Laundering in Mexico
Council on Foreign Relations (Blog), April 13, 2011
U.S. Officials Meet With Tunisians in Asset Probe
WSJ (Corruption Currents Blog), April 12, 2011
Panama OKs tax accord to encourage U.S. trade pact
Reuters, April 14, 2011
World Bank and Enforcement Partners Commit to a Declaration to Counter Global Corruption
World Bank Press Release, April 13, 2011
US offers help to Hungary in fighting corruption
Politics.Hu, April 14, 2011
Julius Baer coughs up to close German tax probe
Reuters, April 14, 2011
Corruption present in all branches of Ghana government – US State Dept.
Ghana Business News, April 14, 2011