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From New York to Pittsburgh in 1 Week: What to Expect from the G20
September 23rd, 2009
It's a big week for international affairs with the UN General Assembly meetings going on today, and the G20 summit happening Thursday and Friday. While New York and the UN meetings (cough, cough, will Obama run into Ahmadinejad?, cough) have dominated coverage over the past few days, from our point of view, what comes out of the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh is much more important. In April, the G20 leaders announced the "the era of banking secrecy is over" and vowed to crack down on tax evaders. In July, the G8 stated the need...
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Stiglitz commission calls for an end to ‘onshore’
July 2nd, 2009
A group of experts chaired by Nobel laureate Prof. Joseph Stiglitz has called for an end to offshore and onshore financial centres. The draft report of the UN commission on the reform of the international monetary and financial system, presents a range of proposals for the reform of the global financial architecture following the global financial crisis. Most notably, the report highlights how onshore and offshore tax havens have contributed to the so called, 'shadow banking system' and the problem of illicit capital flight, arguing that 'well regulated economies have to be protected from those that are under- or...
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Perspective from the UN Conference Last Week
July 1st, 2009
Thoughts from United Nations Headquarters in New York on the UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development: United Nations HQ is an odd place. A huge somewhat dated building full of bureaucrats and security guards trying at every stage to stop you from getting things done. Some would say it is a metaphor for the UN itself. But the UN is crucial. For the reality is that there is no other truly representative international organisation where developing countries have a fair say over how the world is governed. I have come to the UN...
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