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The French / UK Summit: TIEAs and CbC
July 7th, 2009
Our good friend and Task Force member, Richard Murphy, has gotten ahold of the UK/France Summit Communiqué and points out some very exciting language. 1st - both countries acknowledge that 12 TIEA agreements to do not a clean jurisdiction make. And 2nd - both countries call on the OECD to look at the benefits of country-by-country reporting. From the communiqué (emphasis added by Richard Murphy):

France and the United Kingdom will also address the task of implementing the decision of the G20 concerning uncooperative jurisdictions and remain vigilant in ensuring that the...

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DFID Releases New White Paper
July 6th, 2009
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) released a new White Paper on International Development today entitled “Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future.” At first glance it seems to have a lot of good ideas in it. Richard Murphy's been blogging quite a bit about it over at the Tax Research blog. You can also read more about DFID's paper on their website at
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