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Time to bury the Oxford report
July 16th, 2009
On several occasions we have written about a report produced by the Oxford Centre for Business Taxation, which is critical of estimates of illicit flows and other offshore-related phenomena published by TJN and its colleagues. Professor Michael Devereux of the Centre has replied in the Financial Times to an earlier letter from TJN and its partners. Devereux’s riposte says little of interest, but accuses us of seeking “to spread innuendo about the messenger rather than to engage in constructive debate about the research” – without noting that the letters page of a newspaper – ours was just...
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Swiss, UK Governments Reach Dual Taxation Agreement
July 10th, 2009
ZURICH (Dow Jones)--The Swiss and U.K. governments have reached a dual taxation agreement which will permit an exchange of information on tax matters in individual cases where a specific and justified request has been made, the Swiss Federal Department of Finance said Thursday.
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