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It’s not just tax, it’s regulation too – and the route map is on its way
September 24th, 2009
Bloomberg notes:

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling called for the Group of 20 to draw up a “blacklist” of countries whose regulatory systems pose a risk to the world’s financial system.

The finance minister said Britain wants to extend the G- 20’s effort to set standards on taxation and bank rules to cover countries that have a poor record overseeing institutions and allow wealthy individuals to hide cash.

“Just as we have been tackling tax havens, we also need to go after those countries that offer...

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Switzerland signs tax deal with UK
September 8th, 2009
ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland and the UK have signed a new treaty giving British tax authorities more access to banking information and taking the Swiss one step closer to being taken off an international list of tax havens.
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Action on tax havens starts at home
August 27th, 2009
William Wallace: Your editorial welcoming action to force tax havens to loosen the bonds of secrecy (21 August) omitted one important point: many of the world's leading tax havens fall under the British crown. Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos are all significant offshore financial centres. All benefit from the British system of law, from the expectation of offshore investors that British oversight guarantees higher standards than competitor centres – and all have benefited from Whitehall's relaxed oversight regime.
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