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Germany Has Set Back the Fight Against Tax Evasion – and We'll Be Outsourcing Our Tax System to Switzerland Too, Soon
August 12th, 2011
David McNair of Christian Aid has an article under the first part of the above title in the Guardian today. David is right to draw attention to the toxic nature of a new deal between Germany and Switzerland – but the UK is also set to sign such a deal very soon. I wrote about this in May, saying the following, and nothing has changed since:

The FT reported today that the UK is to shortly sign a new tax deal with Switzerland. As it said:

Britons with billions of pounds hidden in Switzerland will pay tax...

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Prime Minister's Call For Greater Financial Transparency 'Very Welcome'
July 19th, 2011
LONDON – Christian Aid today welcomed Prime Minister David Cameron’s backing for legislation that will force companies to reveal the taxes and fees paid to governments in every country where they operate. Speaking in Lagos, the Prime Minister said the EU should follow the example of the US, which has introduced a new law to force mining
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The Isle of Man has now lost all the subsidy I said it enjoyed – my campaign on this issue is over
July 12th, 2011
When I first looked at the subsidy the UK gave to the Isle of Man through its VAT sharing agreement I came to the conclusion that the sum involved exceeded £200 million a year. In 2009 the UK government removed £140 million of that subsidy a year. Yesterday they announced intention to increase the withdrawal if subsidy to a total of £215 million a year – very close to the sum I first calculated.
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