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GFI: US Justice is Not for Sale
June 29th, 2009
Task Force member Global Financial Integrity has just released the following statement calling for the US DOJ to keep up the case against UBS:

U.S. Justice is Not for Sale; Department of Justice Must Pursue Case against Swiss Bank UBS, Says Global Financial Integrity

Washington, DC — Global Financial Integrity (GFI) urges the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to remain steadfast in its pursuit of information about the suspected 52,000 secret bank accounts held by U.S. citizens with Swiss bank UBS.

“This is about bringing to...

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Switzerland, Guantanamo, and Tax Evasion
June 29th, 2009
The official line is that the Justice Department won’t drop its case against Swiss banking giant UBS. But that’s not what The New York Times is reporting. My hope is that Justice will stick to its guns. But my gut tells me the Times will turn out to be right.
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