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Where is Barney Frank When You Need Him?
August 21st, 2009
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is a CNBC anchor and a tax haven apologist. During her program yesterday she claimed that the agreement between the Justice Department and Swiss bank UBS, in which the identities of 4,450 American scofflaws holding UBS accounts will be provided to the IRS, “is a terrible thing.” “Follow me here,” she pleads. Okay Michelle, convince me that pursuing cases in which Americans violated U.S. law is a bad thing.
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August 20th, 2009
There is an ongoing saga of good versus evil. Valiant governments, with proud leaders at their helms, are devoted to bringing down the wicked tax havens and the conniving men and women who hide money on their shores. One day, we will tell the tale of how these governments reigned victorious, dismantling the shadow financial system, and restored the money to the rightful people of their nations. If only. Banking secrecy is no fairy tale. In the system of international tax evasion, the valiant heroes are just as guilty as the wicked witches. In a report to...
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GFI Managing Director Tom Cardamone Discusses UBS Settlement on BBN, Public Radio
August 20th, 2009
GFI’s Managing Director Tom Cardamone was featured on Canada’s Business News Network on Wednesday afternoon in a discussion of the U.S.-UBS settlement. You can check out his BBN appearance as well as his appearance on South California Public Radio here:

UBS Names Names Business News Network, August 19, 2009

Your Numbered Swiss Bank Account Isn’t as Cool as It Used to Be Southern California Public Radio, August 19, 2009

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