August 13th, 2009
NEW DELHI: Non-disclosure of transfer of beneficial ownership by promoters has caught the eye of policymakers. While noose has already tightened on listed companies after the Satyam episode by market regulator Sebi, the focus has now turned to tightening the disclosure for non-listed companies.
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August 7th, 2009
Nairobi - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged Kenya's youth Thursday to utilize new media technologies to shine light on public corruption in the country. She continued her message that only Kenyans can solve Kenya's problems.
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August 5th, 2009
LUANDA (Reuters) - Anti-corruption campaign group Global Witness has accused Angola of cronyism, saying the owners of a private firm that is bidding for oil concessions appeared to be top officials.
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July 24th, 2009
The emphasis on tax transparency at the April G20 meeting in London has not dissipated; rather, it has strengthened. Governments increasingly seem determined to implement serious change. Agendas have broadened from a strict focus on tax haven secrecy to measures in the area of corporate profit-shifting.
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