May 28th, 2010
Conclusions of the OECD Meeting of the Council at Ministerial Level, 27-28 May 2010
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May 24th, 2010
I am often asked what I mean by "’tax justice’. As a result, and as a contribution to the
Briefing Sheet series I am developing, I have written the following summary of what I think tax justice is. It is also available
as a briefing sheet.
Tax justice
Tax justice is a broadly based concept. It relates to individuals and all taxable entities. But it also relates to tax systems as a whole.
Tax compliance – the duty of the taxpayer
For the individual taxpayer tax justice is about tax compliance. This happens when...
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November 10th, 2009
Vice President Joe Biden brought his fundraising muscle to Detroit yesterday to raise money for Democratic House members Gary Peters and Mark Schauer. During his remarks the Veep said that the economic crisis was caused by wild west tactics among the best and brightest on Wall Street.
“The rules were being made by the cowboys on Wall Street,” Biden is reported to have said according to
If so, where is the Sheriff? Twenty sheriffs met in Pittsburgh in September (read: G20) but they didn’t implement the financial transparency procedures needed to get the cowboys out of the...
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October 26th, 2009
“Economic Transparency: Curtailing the Shadow Financial System” provides an overview of the work that the Task Force is doing. From laying out the framework of our mission, to detailing the specifics of each priority, this document is an excellent all in one resource.
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