July 28th, 2015
Across the EU, governments are currently in the process of implementing the newly adopted reforms to the EU’s Anti-Money Laundering Directive. The FTC is following the process closely, and is especially interested in developments at the national level regarding beneficial ownership transparency. Each EU member state will set up a centralized register with information related
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July 22nd, 2015
Yesterday, the World Bank committed to examine ways to collect and publish information about the real owners of companies (also called “beneficial owners”) participating in Bank-financed contracts. We welcome the Bank’s leadership as the impact of its new procurement policy stands to affect a portfolio of about US $42 billion invested in more than 1,800
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April 30th, 2015
Yesterday, the Federation of European Accountants (FEE), a group that represents 47 institutes from more than 36 European countries, held their fourth annual tax day at the European Parliament in Brussels. As a part of their vast program for the day, the FEE released a publication taking a look at tax and transparency policies and what the future
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January 15th, 2015
The final two months of 2014 saw a surge of positive news for civil society whose collaborative and consolidated efforts over recent years to push for greater corporate transparency measures are now seeing the light.
Civil society has called for greater light to be shed on the real living people who ultimately own or control companies –
the beneficial owners. Current levels of secrecy mean that global detection rates for illicit funds by law enforcement are
as low as 1 percent for criminal proceeds.
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