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February 12th, 2016
Earlier this week, the Dutch Finance Minister, Mr Dijsselbloem, announced that the government would make the upcoming register of beneficial ownership, the so-called UBO-register, open to the public. This is in line with what the majority of parliament voted for in March 2014, and means the Netherlands will join a growing list of countries that
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February 4th, 2016
Last Sunday, 60 Minutes aired a jaw dropping segment on the role lawyers, banks and anonymous companies play in allowing dirty money to flow into the United States. The piece, based off of an undercover investigation by FTC member Global Witness, revealed just how willing a number of New York lawyers were to offer advice
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February 3rd, 2016
It’s been a busy week for the issues of tax and transparency in the European Union. It started with a bombshell announcement that Google would pay about $185 million in back taxes to the UK government (and other reports that Italy is seeking unpaid taxes from Google, as well). However, there was much discussion about
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January 27th, 2016
Berlin, 27 January 2016 – 2015 showed that people working together can succeed in the battle against corruption. Although corruption is still rife globally, more countries improved their scores in the 2015 edition of Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index than declined. Overall, two-thirds of the 168 countries on the 2015 index scored below 50, on
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