October 6th, 2010
WASHINGTON, D.C.—A pioneering new measurement of government public disclosure in managing oil, gas and minerals ranks Brazil and Norway highest among 41 countries for making public detailed information about these key resources, the Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) and Transparency International (TI) announced today.
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September 15th, 2010
Does legal corruption exist? Unfortunately yes, and it poses a major challenge to the anti-corruption fight. Friendship is hardly banned by law, but friendship between political leaders and business people can hurt credibility or legitimacy of the decisions of the former, when the latter make them friendly gifts or donations.
The claim for transparency is also a claim for true accountability of the decision makers, whether in the political or in the business world. Informal and opaque networks often advance their financial interests by using the discrepancy between what is formally condemned by law and what would shock every honest...
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September 13th, 2010
Cumulative Illicit Financial Flows out of India from 2000-2008 Total Over US$125 Billion
India’s economic boom continues with an average growth rate of over eight percent between 2004 and 2009 by GFI calculations. As the money flows, however, the poor continue to stay poor. Corruption is rampant in India as it is in almost all developing countries. Both corrupt political and corporate officers manage to siphon off funds – intended to aid the people of India – off to political and private sector elite. Recent efforts in India to challenge this corrupt affront on humanity have been met with severe...
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July 29th, 2010
Denmark, Italy and United Kingdom Advance Toward Active Enforcement; 20 of 36 Signatories Doing Little to Nothing to Enforce Ban on Foreign Bribery

A number of countries were applauded for their efforts to enforce a ban on foreign bribery in a
report released yesterday by Transparency International (TI). Yet many countries are still not doing enough, if anything at all. The report looks at how well the 32 OECD member countries and non-members are complying with the
OECD Anti-Bribery...
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