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“60 Minutes” This Sunday: Investigative Segment on Tax Havens, Transfer Pricing
March 25th, 2011
The CBS television news magazine, 60 Minutes, is going to run a segment on the issue of tax havens and transfer pricing.  CBS describes the segment as:
"60 Minutes," Sunday at 7 P.M. ET/PT (CBS)  SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2011 The New Tax Havens - American companies are finding new overseas tax havens to legally protect some of their profits from the U.S. tax rate of 35 percent, among the highest in the world. Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.
Indeed, our good friend, Marty Sullivan from Tax Analysts, is slated to be on the program.  Visit the...
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Country-by-country reporting at Yale
December 8th, 2010
I am in the US to talk about country-by-country reporting at Yale University. The slides I’ll be using are here. As I say in them:
—CBC is a new way of looking at the MNC —It is in essence a demand for a profit and loss account and limited balance sheet for each country in which the MNC trades —But it’s also something much more than that —This is an accounting system that roots the corporation in the countries that host it – and not somewhere floating above them —And this is accounting that says the MNC is an entity in its own ...
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Just steps away from stopping tax evasion: European Parliament votes on draft report
November 3rd, 2010
On 9 December 2010, the European Parliament’s Committee on Development will vote on the Draft Report on Tax and Development led by Member of the European Parliament Eva Joly. The report aims to present the European Parliament’s views on the initiatives set forth by the European Commission in the Communication on Cooperation with Developing Countries on Promoting Good Governance in Tax Matters. This report is good news for civil society organisations such as Eurodad that are advocating to effectively clamp down on tax havens and stop more than USD 600 billion of tax-related illicit flows bleeding the...
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Does Costa Rica gain full benefit from its pineapple trade?
October 25th, 2010
The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence recently filed an excellent article on global pineapple trade. Taking the example of Costa Rica, she outlined the low wages and union busting, the environmental harm caused by excessive use of agro-chemicals, and the injuries and health problems incurred by workers. The article has touched several raw nerves, and much of the industry response has focussed on the "economic" benefit to Costa Rica. Employment creation is one, but this can be limited to low wage employment with little in the way of useful knowledge transfer. ...
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