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Two Tax Havens Agree to “Share” Information
August 26th, 2009
Richard Murphy has pointed out that Switzerland has signed its second tax information exchange agreement with... Luxembourg. That's right, Switzerland is now 1/6 of the way to being squeaky-clean because it signed an agreement (and a weak one at that) with another tax haven. As Richard says, this amounts to: "You look one way and I’ll look the other." From Swissinfo:

Switzerland on Tuesday signed a revised double taxation agreement with Luxembourg, easing the restrictions on the exchange of tax information between the two countries.

It is...

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Tolerance of evasion is running low, but there are still places left to hide
August 14th, 2009
Liechtenstein, once one of the world's most secretive tax havens, is going further than almost any other centre in cleaning up its act. The deal is a dramatic example of a jurisdiction giving up banking secrecy in return for recognition as a legitimate financial centre. It is helping flush out tax evaders by making its banks close non- compliant accounts by 2015.
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