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Why Russia No Longer Fears the West: It's the Offshore, Stupid
March 4th, 2014
This post originally appeared on the blog of Tax Justice Network, a Coordinating Committee member of the Financial Transparency Coalition.  If there’s one story you read today make it this one, from Politico Magazine. It’s triggered by the crisis in Ukraine, but it’s been a long time coming. The point of this short story is clear:
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Recent Acclaim for FTC Members & the World's Desire for More Transparency
February 12th, 2014
This year, when the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania (TTCSP), made its annual list of the world’s most relevant think tanks, it chose four Financial Transparency Coalition members among its ranks. They included Global Witness, Tax Justice Network, and Global Financial Integrity, which ranked #32, #54, and $63 (respectively) for Think Tanks with the Best Advocacy Campaigns. FTC member Transparency International was also highly celebrated on the list, appearing a full twelve times, many of which were top ten spots. Among others, TI ranked #12 for Top Think Tanks Worldwide, #1 for Top...
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