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Jeffrey Sachs On Inequality, Tax And Where Globalisation Went So Horribly Wrong
August 23rd, 2011
Jeffrey Sachs is back in the Financial Times with a fine article about the failed economic leadership of western governments, and tax havens feature prominently in his analysis. “Tax havens”, he notes, “have proliferated even as the politicians have occasionally railed against them” we like the twist to the politician's collective tails implied by the word 'occasionally'. And he continues: “In the end the poor are doubly hit, first by global market forces, then by the ability of the rich to park money at low taxes in hideaways around the world.” We have argued for many, many years, that tax havens are a major faultline in the...
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The Swiss-German tax deal: more dominoes to fall?
August 11th, 2011
By TJN staff and Mark Herkenrath, Alliance Sud We already blogged about the signing yesterday of the Swiss-German tax deal, and TJN's opposition to it. This blog goes into a little more detail than before, and outlines some of the salient points of the deal. This is something that matters a great deal - because several other countries are believed to be considering doing something similar. Which, in TJN's view, would be a grave mistake. (Our last blog also highlights the strange, even fishy-looking timing of this...
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End Tax Haven Secrecy!
August 4th, 2011
While over 100 million children never get the opportunity to go to school, developing countries lose more money through tax dodging than they receive in aid. Take action now to end tax haven secrecy. Join us in calling to demand tax justice at the G20 summit in France in November 2011.
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