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Government must shut down corporate tax havens
November 6th, 2013
The Huffington Post published an interesting blog, titled "Government must shut down corporate tax havens," from U.S. PIRG’s Jaimie Woo. In her blog she points out that “The $150 billion we lose in tax havens a year would be enough to provide Pell grants to 10 million students for four years of college; it could also guarantee loans for half a million small businesses; or revamp America's aging transportation infrastructure by building 15 commuter rail lines, 50 light rail transit lines, and more than 800 bus rapid transit lines.” To read the full blog click here.
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Is Kenya Being Shaped Into Africa’s Flagship Tax Haven?
June 4th, 2013
If anyone ever doubted the sheer scale of corporate greed, they had the unedifying spectacle of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, to enlighten them last week. In already infamous evidence to a Senate Committee, he demonstrated there is no limit on what corporations will take from society. With the detachment of a sociopath, Cook said outright that he would not consider repatriating the $100bn they have hoarded offshore if it meant paying standard US corporation tax.
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Large-Scale Multilateral Action on Tax Havens is Possible
April 24th, 2013
Joshua Keating posted some excellent information over at Foreign Policy today: Research from Niels Johannesen of the University of Copenhagen and Gabriel Zucman of the Paris School of Economics looks at the result ofinternational agreements taken to prevent tax evasion in the wake of the global financial crisis. The results are not very encouraging for reformers:
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