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So refreshing to see someone telling the truth
September 29th, 2009 / Entrepreneurship - Tax crackdown defended.

A leading adviser on research and development tax credits has leapt to the defence of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), claiming its officers are right to crack down on those trying to exploit the system.

Peter Denison-Pender, managing director of Alma Consulting, refuted claims made by accountancy Grant Thornton earlier this month that tax inspectors were being unfairly tough with companies seeking R&D tax credits.

“HMRC is not the bad guy here,” Denison-Pender said. “All they are doing is clamping down on...

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HMRC: Reporting Tax Evasion Online
September 29th, 2009
Richard Murphy notes that HMRC has launched a new web-form which allows you to report tax evasion online. Strangely, though, the form times out if you haven't finished within 15 minutes - a relatively short amount of time given the length of the form. I understand the logic of timing out a webpage after a certain amount of time - perhaps an hour or so - but 15 minutes is a little ridiculous. Nevertheless, it's nice to see HMRC taking a proactive approach.
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GFI Lauds G20’s Committments on Bank Secrecy, Economic Transparency, Illicit Financial Flows
September 25th, 2009
Global Financial Integrity just put out a statement lauding the G20's commitment to end banking secrecy, increase transparency in global finance and curtail illicit financial flows from developing economies. Check out the full text of the speech below:

Washington, DC -- The G-20 reaffirmed its commitment to pressing uncooperative secrecy jurisdictions to adopt more rigorous reporting standards, tackle banking secrecy, and increase overall transparency in global finance in a communiqué released at the conclusion of today's summit in Pittsburgh.

"Transparency and accountability in global finance are the cornerstones of a strong and robust world economy,"...

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