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Switzerland: this is not pragmatism
November 2nd, 2010
David McNair of Christian Aid has an article on Comment is Free at the Guardian this morning. Talking about the proposed tax agreement with Switzerland he says:
The government might call it pragmatism but its talks with Switzerland, about how to tackle the £100bn or so which Britons have hidden in Swiss bank accounts, suggest that it is suffering from both naivety and a severe case of beggar-thy-neighbour. What the two governments have said is that they will try to do a deal to give the UK some of the tax that its...
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The European Commission has noted the Swiss tax treaties – and are not amused
October 29th, 2010
My sources tell me that:
The European commission has realised that the DTAs would compromise the EU work on automatic exchange of info. Now the Commission has been in direct touch with Germany and UK regarding this issue. Most important is that they are concerned about Switzerland now being a conduit for all black money back to the UK / Germany if assets are regularised…
So they should be. With the fundamentalist free market government of the UK (yes, I mean that fundamentalist comment – those in our ...
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Clampdown on tax havens: Where does the International Finance Corporation stand?
October 21st, 2010
Should the World Bank’s private sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) set a clear policy regulating its investments in companies registered in tax havens? This question led a few weeks ago to one of the most heated discussions ever on the Executive Board of this institution. Last year, European NGOs asked their Executive Directors at the World Bank to set up binding guidelines to ban IFC investments in companies operating through tax havens. In response to pressure by civil society, the World Bank has taken swift action to start up this discussion; however, the Bank has not gone...
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