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U.S. Should Follow E.U. Transparency Lead, Require Country-by-Country Reporting at Banks
February 28th, 2013
WASHINGTON, DC – Global Financial Integrity (GFI) praised European Union leaders today for their commitment to requiring banks to disclose profits-made, taxes-paid, subsidiaries, and staff levels on a country-by-country basis, and the Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization called upon the United States to follow Europe’s lead and adopt similar rules.
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Video: Inside Story – Tax avoidance: Legality vs morality
February 28th, 2013
Below is a must-see video from Al Jazeera English, reporting on the report by Action Aid UK on tax avoidance by sugar companies in Zambia. The report finds that British Foods Group, a major supplier of sugar in Zambia, made a profit of $123 million since 2007, but paid virtually no taxes. The losses include over $80 million in funds moved to tax havens, and a $47 million 'management fee' from British Food Group's Irish subsidiary. And this is all in addition the billions of illicit dollars leaving Zambia every year.
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FACT Coalition: Close Offshore Tax Loopholes, Save Taxpayers Nearly $200 billion
February 11th, 2013
WASHINGTON DC – In the midst of a Congressional and White House showdown over the impending sequestration, and growing calls for corporate tax reform, Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) put forth the Cut Unjustified Tax Loopholes Act (S. 268, CUT Loopholes Act). This bill, which closes loopholes and strengthens enforcement measures against offshore tax haven abuse, could raise nearly $200 billion over ten years.
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What Billions in Illicit and Licit Capital Flight Means for the People of Zambia
December 13th, 2012
In our newest report, Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries 2001-2010, we look at illicit financial flows--the proceeds of crime, corruption, and tax evasion--leaving the developing world. Illicit financial flows are a type of capital flight, and have been a persistent plague on the developing world for some time now. Our new report will be released on Tuesday morning. But for today, I want to focus more narrowly on Zambia, one of the poorest nations on earth and one of the clearest examples of the damage caused by both illicit and licit capital flight.
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