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Swiss, UK Governments Reach Dual Taxation Agreement
July 10th, 2009
ZURICH (Dow Jones)--The Swiss and U.K. governments have reached a dual taxation agreement which will permit an exchange of information on tax matters in individual cases where a specific and justified request has been made, the Swiss Federal Department of Finance said Thursday.
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Editorial: Offshore no more
July 10th, 2009
Financial Times - Switzerland may have seen off Habsburg armies, but the American taxman might prove a greater threat to its sovereignty. US officials, filing a civil suit in a court in Florida, are seeking to force UBS, the Swiss bank, to reveal the names of American clients whose tax papers have not been properly filed. The Swiss government has made it clear that UBS would not be able to comply without breaching the Alpine country’s bank secrecy laws.
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When a state supports crime what rights does it have?
July 10th, 2009
The FT has reported:

UBS shares outperformed the Swiss market strongly on Thursday as investors digested the latest twist in the battle of wills between the US and Switzerland over bank secrecy.

The Miami judge presiding over a crucial court hearing next Monday has called on the US authorities to specify how far they would go to force the Swiss bank to comply, should the court rule in their favour.

Alan Gold, the US district judge presiding over the case, late on Wednesday gave the US...

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Investors bet on settlement in UBS tax dispute
July 9th, 2009
ZURICH (Reuters) - Investors bet on Thursday the United States would not go as far as shutting down UBS AG (UBSN.VX) there in a tax dispute, instead expecting the Swiss bank to be hit by a hefty fine as part of a swift out-of-court settlement.
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