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The Media Misses Again Regarding OECD Treaty Standards
July 15th, 2009
Apparently nobody at Reuters read my post yesterday about the media's skewed coverage of the OECD grey list and the signing of TIEAs. I wrote regarding the media's coverage of Luxembourg coming off the OECD grey-list:

But there is an entirely separate side to this story that hasn’t permeated the coverage at all: the OECD standards are useless in any practical sense, and under these standards wealthy tax evaders will still feel perfectly safe stashing their money in Luxembourg. As we discuss extensively on this website – the OECD’s standards require a...

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Offshore Tax Evaders Deserve No Sympathy
July 15th, 2009
James B. Stewart: Do you know anyone with a Swiss bank account? I don’t, which is probably no surprise since the whole point is secrecy. But evidently there are plenty of Americans who do—at least 52,000 at UBS alone—whose identities the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice are trying to learn.
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