December 12th, 2014

We are big fans of human rights organisations, generally speaking, but we’re going to say some uncomfortable things about some of them here.
we noted that Rudolf Elmer, the Swiss whistleblower who has been persecuted for years by the Swiss tax haven industry, via the Swiss courts and other arms of Swiss state, collapsed in court during a trial where he is accused of breaking Swiss banking secrecy laws. He has already spent five months in prison and he faces more: read the
background here.
The Swiss establishment and media has mostly focused on Elmer the...
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August 26th, 2014

The latest edition of TaxCast, the podcast produced by the Tax Justice Network, is out! In this edition, you'll hear about a tug of war between Switzerland and India for information on tax evaders, how Russian sanctions are affecting business in Europe, and much more.
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August 12th, 2014

It all started last month when Walgreens, the iconic American pharmacy chain, announced that it would move its headquarters to Switzerland as part of a merger with the European chain Alliance Boots. The move, known as an “inversion”, essentially involves a company merging with another company that is based in a jurisdiction with lower taxes.
Once they merge, the newly formed group will usually move its headquarters to the lower tax jurisdiction to avoid paying taxes in their home country. However, this move is usually a pure technicality, meaning that while the...
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July 11th, 2014
For about five years now, nations around the world have called on Switzerland to change its secret ways. Over these years Switzerland’s banks, which
hold nearly one-third of the estimated $7 trillion in global wealth kept offshore, have borne much of the brunt of the
U.S. Department of Justice’s campaign against banks facilitating tax evasion by American citizens. Other nations, such as India, have also followed suit. And although Switzerland has attempted to cultivate an image of international cooperation – the reality of Swiss banking secrecy has been more of the same.
For the purposes of outward appearances,...
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