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UBS Chief: Clients Not Harmless Victims
August 24th, 2009
According to UBS's chairman, Kaspar Villiger, the bank's tax-evading American "clients are not just harmless victims. They knew what they wanted to evade." It's nice to see that the UBS chief is on the same page as the rest of the world on this point. However, according to Reuters, he also does not believe that "systematic tax evasion had been a problem in countries other than the United States." I find it very difficult to believe that he believes this.
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TJN-USA’s Recommendations for the US Government
August 24th, 2009
Tax Justice Network USA put out a number of recommendations for the US Government following the announcement of the settlement in the UBS case. In case you haven't seen it yet, TJN recommends that the US:
  • Insist that the issue of cross?border tax evasion be on the agenda of the September G?20 Summit in Pittsburgh.
  • Push for immediate international action to facilitate increased tax information exchange.
  • Press for mandatory standards of bank behavior enforced by home governments that preclude assisting in cross border tax evasion.
  • Use the UBS disclosures to prepare and serve additional "John Doe" summonses on other banks known...
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