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The Isle of Man needs an opposition – and it isn’t me
September 1st, 2010
The Isle of Man Today web site carries the following back handed compliment today, the following being an edited (shortened) version of the story:
We have also written a story about a letter from a group who thinks the Isle of Man should ditch zero-10 company tax. The group of 12 people – including a high profile charity worker – says that we’d be better off in the long run and have a better reputation if we re-introduced company taxes. You might remember that a few weeks ago (August 10, to be precise) we ran a story...
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Insider dealing: the perfect offshore crime
August 18th, 2010
The FT has reported:
Organised criminals in the UK are becoming increasingly involved in financial frauds including insider share dealing that they see as lucrative and low risk, investigators have warned. The trend – for 15 years a concern of US securities market regulators – is only now being explored in Britain where authorities are facing criticism for failing to co-ordinate on tackling financial crime. Paul Evans, Soca’s (Serious Organised Crime Agency) director of intervention, said those people targeted by his agency – which covers areas such as drugs, people trafficking and extortion –...
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