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Does Costa Rica gain full benefit from its pineapple trade?
October 25th, 2010
The Guardian's Felicity Lawrence recently filed an excellent article on global pineapple trade. Taking the example of Costa Rica, she outlined the low wages and union busting, the environmental harm caused by excessive use of agro-chemicals, and the injuries and health problems incurred by workers. The article has touched several raw nerves, and much of the industry response has focussed on the "economic" benefit to Costa Rica. Employment creation is one, but this can be limited to low wage employment with little in the way of useful knowledge transfer. ...
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Inequality, not food shortages, to blame for food crisis
October 15th, 2010
CHRISTIAN AID—More than a billion people across the world will go to bed hungry on Saturday, the day the United Nations has designated World Food Day. The growing food crisis, which is leaving millions of people without enough to eat, has inequality at its root. Most markets have plenty of food, yet the price has risen beyond the reach of ordinary people.
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