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Vatican bank chief ousted after unanimous no-confidence vote
October 17th, 2011
VATICAN CITY (AP) – The president of the Vatican bank was effectively ousted Thursday after receiving a unanimous vote of no-confidence from bank overseers for having leaked documents and failed to do his job at a critical time in the Holy See's efforts to show transparency in its finances, the Vatican and officials said.
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TJN's Prem Sikka Has Blasted Open the BCCI Case
September 14th, 2011
Congratulations to Professor Prem Sikka, a senior adviser to the Tax Justice Network, for his extraordinary success on the case of Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Information on the investigation into BCCI, that was previously withheld from the public by the UK government, has now been released. Prem has fought a legal battle for five years so that missing information in the "Sandstorm Report" could be made publicly available. The case of BCCI, (referred to by many as "Bank of Crooks and Commerce International"), is possibly the biggest banking fraud in history. BCCI is a story of massive-scale Continue Reading
Qaddafi's Libyan Loot Likely Lost
August 29th, 2011
$33 Billion Illicitly Left Libya between 2001-2009, Says Global Financial Integrity Since the forces of the Libyan Transitional Council entered Tripoli last week, Muammar Qaddafi has not been seen, presumably hiding or on the run from the revolution aimed at ending his 42-year rule.  But as pointed out on ABC News last Wednesday, much of the money he looted from the country over the past 4 decades is still at large as well. Citing Global Financial Integrity (GFI) research, ABC notes that at least $33 billion dollars left the country through illicit means in...
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