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Senator Carl Levin: tax havens cause resentment, distrust and anger
September 16th, 2009
Senator Carl Levin was in bullish mood when he spoke last night at the annual conference of the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development here in Washington. "More progress has been made in the past year than in the previous decade", he said, "causing total upheaval in the offshore tax haven world." The recent deferred settlement agreed with Swiss private banking giant UBS was enormously significant, especially since the bank will now be required to advise the US authorities automatically each time when it opens an account for a US citizen. The scale of the backdown by...
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Senator Levin Addresses the 2009 Annual Task Force Conference
September 16th, 2009
Washington, DC – "We have the means to end offshore tax abuse if we have the political will to act," was the message delivered by Carl Levin in his keynote speech for given before dinner guests at the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development's conference, Increasing Transparency in Global Finance: A Development Imperative.
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